Quantum Opportunities Program

The mission of the Quantum Opportunities Program is to expose 9th grade students to ideas, people and places that will heighten their knowledge base and esteem level, cultivate scholarship and support continuous high school matriculation through their 12th grade year.


These ideals will instill a sense of responsibility and commitment in the Quantum students that will promote success during their high school years and beyond.




The vision of Quantum is to make college a viable option for program participants by eliminating obstacles to higher education and making college a continuous theme in their overall development. When high school students are exposed to post-secondary activities and ideas, their thinking begins to positively change and they begin to develop a college-inspired mind-set. Once this mind-set is developed and cultivated, the students will begin taking the necessary steps toward post high school life, which for Quantum students will include college and other positive post-secondary outlets.




Currently implemented in eight (8) other states, the Quantum Opportunities Program is funded by the Eisenhower Foundation,  a nonprofit organization continuing the work of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders fighting for social and economic change throughout the nation.  The Eisenhower Foundation has partnered with Druid Heights Community Development Corporation, under the Executive Direction of Mr. Kelly Little, and Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts High School to provide services for their students.  Augusta Fells provides the backdrop for students to thrive and the Quantum Program offers specialized guidance for program participants.