About this event
Druid Heights CDC and the Baltimore Dept. of Planning’s Baltimore Green Network are hosting a Job Fair for West Baltimore residents who are experienced and looking to work for your organization.
There is no fee to be a vendor at this job fair. But if you provide your own table and chairs, you will get a prime spot at the fair. If you don’t provide your own table and chair, we will provide them to you and give you a location that can still be accessed by the job seekers. Key industries that we are focusing on:
Hotels, Restaurants, Maintenance, Security, Construction and More!
For more information, contact either Azalee Fisher at afisher@druidheights.com and 410-523-1350 or Kim Knox at kimberley.knox@baltimorecity.com and 410-396-5902.
Please register to be a vendor at this Job Fair by April 2 at: https://tinyurl.com/dhjobfair